Postal 4: No Regerts is an upcoming first-person shooter from Running With Scissors.1)
Labeled a janky pre-alpha, v0.1.0S was released through Steam early access on October 14, 2019.
An earlier title for the game found in Content\Movies\AnB_TestRenderSettings.mp4
Fig. 1: Postal 4: No Regrets
Fig. 2: Postal 4: No Regerts
Press T and use a forward slash before typing the command, e.g. t /likeabirdy
Offset | String | Description |
260C46C | AIMode | - |
260C478 | AlaMode | God Mode |
260C480 | AllahMode | God Mode |
260C490 | Aneurysm | Suicide |
260C4A0 | BootToTheHead | Mighty Foot |
260C4B0 | CrackMan | Crack Man Mode |
260C4C0 | CrazyCatDude | Adds 20 cats |
260C4D0 | FLUDD | Enables water hose |
260C4D8 | IFeelFree | No clip |
260C4E8 | Jumpman | Enables higher jump |
260C4F0 | LikeABirdy | Enables flying |
260C500 | PackinHeat | All weapons and items |
260C510 | PauseCamera | Pauses camera position |
260C520 | Phantasm | No clip |
260C52C | Sanic | Enables much faster running |
260C538 | Seppuku | Suicide |
260C540 | SetThisErrandActive | - |
260C558 | SetThisErrandComplete | - |
260C570 | SetThisErrandInActive | - |
260C588 | SetThisErrandIncomplete | - |
260C5A0 | ShowAvgFPS | - |
260C5B0 | SilentButDeadly | - |
260C5C0 | Sonic | Enables faster running |
260C5C8 | SupaFly | Enables flying |
260C5D0 | TheQuick | Crack Man Mode |
2A550A0 | quit background | Quits game |
2A550B0 | quit force | Quits game |
2A550BC | quit | Quits game |
2B08964 | BugIt | - |
2B08970 | BugItGo | - |
2B08978 | BugItStringCreator | - |
2B08990 | ChangeSize | Changes player size |
2B089A0 | CheatScript | - |
2B089B0 | DamageTarget | - |
2B089C0 | DebugCapsuleSweep | - |
2B089D8 | DebugCapsuleSweepCapture | - |
2B089F8 | DebugCapsuleSweepChannel | - |
2B08A18 | DebugCapsuleSweepClear | - |
2B08A30 | DebugCapsuleSweepComplex | - |
2B08A50 | DebugCapsuleSweepPawn | - |
2B08A68 | DebugCapsuleSweepSize | - |
2B08A80 | DestroyAll | - |
2B08A90 | DestroyAllPawnsExceptTarget | - |
2B08AB0 | DestroyPawns | Destroys all pawns |
2B08AC0 | DestroyServerStatReplicator | - |
2B08AE0 | DestroyTarget | Destroys terrain |
2B08AF0 | DisableDebugCamera | - |
2B08B08 | DumpChatState | - |
2B08B18 | DumpOnlineSessionState | - |
2B08B30 | DumpPartyState | - |
2B08B40 | DumpVoiceMutingState | - |
2B08B58 | EnableDebugCamera | - |
2B08B70 | FlushLog | - |
2B08B7C | Fly | - |
2B08B80 | FreezeFrame | Freezes game state |
2B08B8C | Ghost | - |
2B08B98 | InvertMouse | Inverts mouse |
2B08BA4 | LogLoc | - |
2B08BB0 | OnlyLoadLevel | - |
2B08BC0 | PlayersOnly | Disables player |
2B08BD0 | ServerToggleAILogging | - |
2B08BE8 | SetMouseSensitivityToDefault | - |
2B08C08 | SetWorldOrigin | Sets pawns world origin |
2B08C18 | Slomo | Enables slow-mo (integer value) |
2B08C20 | SpawnServerStatReplicator | - |
2B08C40 | StreamLevelIn | - |
2B08C50 | StreamLevelOut | - |
2B08C60 | Summon | - |
2B08C68 | Teleport | Moves player to a new pos. |
2B08C78 | TestCollisionDistance | - |
2B08C90 | ToggleAILogging | - |
2B08CA0 | ToggleDebugCamera | Enables debug camera |
2B08CB8 | ToggleServerStatReplicatorClientOverwrite | - |
2B08CE8 | ToggleServerStatReplicatorUpdateStatNet | - |
2B08D10 | UpdateSafeArea | - |
2B08D20 | ViewActor | - |
2B08D30 | ViewClass | - |
2B08D40 | ViewPlayer | Crashes game |
2B08D50 | ViewSelf | - |
A few debug keys are active by default in v0.1.0S.
Key | Effect |
Numpad 1 | Change lighting |
Numpad 5 | Unloads scene |
Numpad + | Disables lighting |
Fig. 6: Numpad 1
Fig. 7: Numpad 5
Fig. 8: Numpad +
Cheats found in Postal4-Win64-Shipping.exe
Offset | String |
2574F50 | ERWSCheat::HideHUD |
2574F68 | ERWSCheat::HideCrosshair |
2574F88 | ERWSCheat::NoAutoMap |
2574FA0 | ERWSCheat::NoPreloadDialog |
2574FC0 | ERWSCheat::NPCDebugName |
2574FD8 | ERWSCheat::NPCDebugHealth |
2574FF8 | ERWSCheat::NPCDebugWeapon |
2575018 | ERWSCheat::NPCDebugNavigation |
2575038 | ERWSCheat::NPCDebugFocus |
2575058 | ERWSCheat::NPCDebugState |
2575078 | ERWSCheat::NPCDebugInterest |
2575098 | ERWSCheat::NPCDebugAnim |
25750B0 | ERWSCheat::NPCDebugCombat |
25750D0 | ERWSCheat::NPCDebugLoS |
25750E8 | ERWSCheat::NPCsShouldIdle |
2575108 | ERWSCheat::NPCsShouldDestroy |
2575128 | ERWSCheat::DisallowStasis |
2575148 | ERWSCheat::QueueLineDebug |
2575168 | ERWSCheat::PackNHeat |
2575180 | ERWSCheat::Goblin |
2575198 | ERWSCheat::EasyPetitions |
25751B8 | ERWSCheat::PlayerGrabPhysics |
25751D8 | ERWSCheat::NPCLifetimeDebug |
25751F8 | ERWSCheat::SubtitleDebug |
2575218 | ERWSCheat::NPCPlayerCombatDisabled |
2575240 | ERWSCheat::NPCNPCCombatDisabled |
2575260 | ERWSCheat::EarlyAccessTag |
2575280 | ERWSCheat::InfinitePetitions |
25752A0 | ERWSCheat::MAX |
2575018 | ERWSCheat::NPCDebugNavigation |
Strings found in Postal4-Win64-Shipping.exe
Offset | String |
2560B40 | D:/wkspaces/POSTAL 4/Source/RWSFramework/Private/UI/RWSLoadingScreen.cpp |
2561A30 | D:/wkspaces/POSTAL 4/Source/RWSFramework/Private/UI/RWSMultiLineEditableTextBox.cpp |
25D8E00 | D:/wkspaces/POSTAL 4/Source/Postal2/Private/P2UI/P2LoadingScreen.cpp |
A few text strings related to deathmatch found in Postal4-Win64-Shipping.exe
Offset | String |
2556258 | TeamDeathmatch |
2586708 | EPlayerStartGameType::Deathmatch |
References for up to four player splitscreen in grid, horizontal and vertical layouts.
Offset | String |
2771350 | FourPlayerSplitscreenLayout |
2771370 | ThreePlayerSplitscreenLayout |
2771390 | TwoPlayerSplitscreenLayout |
27713B0 | bUseSplitscreen |
Several test maps are found in Content\Maps\Examples\TestMaps
Fig. 9
Fig. 10
Fig. 11
Fig. 12
Fig. 13
Fig. 14
Fig. 15
Fig. 16
Rick Hunter's SewerMockup dialogue.
SewerErrand |
Dude_SewerErrand_WashedAway_DidNotHappen.ogg |
Dude_SewerErrand_WashedAway_PileOfShit.ogg |
Dude_SewerErrand_WashedAway_SeenComing.ogg |
Dude_SewerErrand_WashedAway_TooMuchFiberA.ogg |
Dude_SewerErrand_WashedAway_TooMuchFiberB.ogg |
Dude_SewerErrand_WashedAway_ToothpickA.ogg |
Dude_SewerErrand_WashedAway_ToothpickB.ogg |
Re-recorded Dialogue
Rick Hunter (left), John St. John (right).
MondayErrands\SignBeggar | New_ErrandDialog\SignBeggarErrand |
Dude_BeggarSign_DownOnLuck_Inquiry01.ogg |
Dude_BeggarSign_DownOnLuck_Inquiry01.ogg |
Dude_BeggarSign_DownOnLuck_Inquiry02.ogg |
Dude_BeggarSign_DownOnLuck_Inquiry02.ogg |
Dude_BeggarSign_DownOnLuck_Inquiry03.ogg |
Dude_BeggarSign_DownOnLuck_Inquiry03.ogg |
Dude_BeggarSign_DownOnLuck_Inquiry04.ogg |
Dude_BeggarSign_DownOnLuck_Inquiry04.ogg |
Dude_BeggarSign_DownOnLuck_Inquiry05.ogg |
Dude_BeggarSign_DownOnLuck_Inquiry05.ogg |
Dude_BeggarSign_DownOnLuck_Inquiry06.ogg |
Dude_BeggarSign_DownOnLuck_Inquiry06.ogg |
Dude_BeggarSign_DownOnLuck_Inquiry07.ogg |
Dude_BeggarSign_DownOnLuck_Inquiry07.ogg |
MondayErrands\Fireman | New_ErrandDialog\SideQuest_Fireman |
Dude_AnotherFire.ogg |
Dude_SideQuest_Fireman_AnotherFire.ogg |
Dude_CleverThinking.ogg |
Dude_SideQuest_Fireman_CleverThinking.ogg |
Dude_FightTheFire.ogg |
Dude_SideQuest_Fireman_FightFireBareHands.ogg |
Dude_SideQuest_Fireman_UseThisHose.ogg |
Dude_SideQuest_Fireman_UseThisHose.ogg |
MondayErrands\JobAgency | New_ErrandDialog\JobAgencyErrand |
Dude_JobAgencyErrand_No.ogg |
Dude_JobAgencyErrand_No.ogg |
Dude_JobAgencyErrand_WalletLittleLight.ogg |
Dude_JobAgencyErrand_WalletLittleLight.ogg |
Unused Dialogue
Additional dialogue from Rick Hunter.
MilkErrand |
Dude_MilkErrand_03EnteringStore_A.ogg |
Dude_MilkErrand_03EnteringStore_B.ogg |
Dude_MilkErrand_04GottaBeSomethingToDrink.ogg |
Dude_MilkErrand_BuyThisFesteringRot.ogg |
Dude_MilkErrand_Crap.ogg |
Dude_MilkErrand_DontIKnowYou.ogg |
Dude_MilkErrand_IdLikeToBuyThis.ogg |
Dude_MilkErrand_SupportingTheEconomy.ogg |
To-do: Check if any of it was actually re-recorded or if both versions are used.
WhiteFemale01 | New_WhiteFemale01 |
WF1_Bystander_SignBeggar_AnnoyedResponse01.ogg |
WhiteFemaleBystander01_JobSearch_AnnoyedResponse01.ogg |
To-do: Check new/old/temp textures when conversion is possible.