
Dracula II: Noroi no Fuuin (Nintendo Famicom Disk System) (Preview)

ドラキュラII 呪いの封印 is an action-platformer developed by Konami that was released for the Nintendo Famicom Disk System on August 28, 1987.

July 1987

A preview of the game was published on page 50 of ファミリーコンピュータマガジン No.15, August 21 - September 4, 1987 1).

Fig. 1: Preview Fig. 2: Retail


1) https://archive.org/details/famimaga-issue-40-1987-no.-15-9-4-600-dpi ファミリーコンピュータマガジン No.15, August 21 - September 4, 1987. p. 50. (Fig.1)

famimaga_issue_40_1987_no.15_9-4_600dpi_050.jpgFig. 3: ref.1