
Uninvited (Nintendo Family Computer) (Preview)

Uninvited is a point-and-click adventure game originally developed by ICOM Simulations for the Apple Macintosh in 1986 that was ported to the Nintendo Family Computer by Kemco and released as 悪魔の招待状 on September 29, 1989.

February 1989

A preview of the game was published on page 80 of ファミコン通信 No.72, April 14, 1989 1).

Fig. 1: Preview Fig. 2: Retail

April 1989

A preview of the game was published on page 37 of ファミリーコンピュータマガジン No.11, June 16, 1989 2).

Fig. 3: Preview Fig. 4: Retail

Fig. 5: Preview Fig. 6: Preview


1) https://archive.org/details/bi-weekly-famitsu-no.-72-april-14th-1989/page/n80/mode/1up ファミコン通信 No.72, April 14, 1989 , pg.80 (Fig.1)
2) https://archive.org/details/famimagajune1989/page/n36/mode/2up ファミリーコンピュータマガジン No.11, June 16, 1989, pg.37 (Fig.3)

bi-weekly_famitsu_-_no._72_april_14th_1989_img0080.jpgFig. 7: ref.1 famimagajune1989_famimaga_1989_06_16_no11_0036.jpgFig. 8: ref.2 famimagajune1989_famimaga_1989_06_16_no11_0037.jpgFig. 9: ref.2