===== Uninvited (Nintendo Family Computer) (Preview) =====
**Uninvited** is a point-and-click adventure game originally developed by [[:icom_simulations|ICOM Simulations]] for the [[:apple_macintosh|Apple Macintosh]] in 1986 that was ported to the Nintendo Family Computer by [[:kemco|Kemco]] and released as 悪魔の招待状 on September 29, 1989.
=== February 1989 ===
A preview of the game was published on page 80 of ファミコン通信 No.72, April 14, 1989 [(https://archive.org/details/bi-weekly-famitsu-no.-72-april-14th-1989/page/n80/mode/1up ファミコン通信 No.72, April 14, 1989 , pg.80 ''(Fig.1)'')].
* The artwork used for the car in the first scene is similar to the [[https://labx8.org/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=developers:kemco:uninvited:images:20_35_16.png|Amiga version]]. ''(Fig.1)''
[[https://labx8.org/lib/exe/fetch.php?cache=&media=developers:kemco:uninvited:images:bi-weekly_famitsu_-_no._72_april_14th_1989_img0080_02.png|{{:developers:kemco:uninvited:images:Bi-Weekly Famitsu - No. 72 April 14th, 1989_img0080_02-1.png?224x224}}]]
=== April 1989 ===
A preview of the game was published on page 37 of ファミリーコンピュータマガジン No.11, June 16, 1989 [(https://archive.org/details/famimagajune1989/page/n36/mode/2up ファミリーコンピュータマガジン No.11, June 16, 1989, pg.37 ''(Fig.3)'')].
* There's an unknown item in the 2nd floor closet. ''(Fig.3)''
* The bowl was moved down to the lowest shelf.
* The unknown item. ''(Fig.5)''
* The ashtray. ''(Fig.6)''
=== References ===
{{developers:kemco:uninvited:images:Bi-Weekly Famitsu - No. 72 April 14th, 1989_img0080.jpg?100}}
{{tag>1989 nintendo_family_computer icom_simulations kemco uninvited uninvited_fc preview untranslated_articles}}