**developers:crytek:engalus:[[developers:crytek:engalus:notes|notes]]** ===== About ===== **Engalus Engine (c) 2000 Crytek Studios - x86/win32 - Dec 8 2000 - 11:41:24** ++ ReadMe.txt | \\ ENGALUS NON-INTERACTIVE TECH DEMO RELEASE NOTES v1.0a - Please Read \\ \\ --table of contents-- \\ \\ 1.1 Introduction \\ 1.2 Requirements \\ 1.3 Display Settings \\ 1.4 Troubleshooting \\ 1.5 Team Engalus \\ 1.6 Legal Info \\ \\ \\ --------------------- \\ 1.1 INTRODUCTION \\ \\ The following non-interactive tech demo is the result of much trial and error by the Engalus team and Crytek. Many obstacles were tackled as we set out with lofty goals for the project; many things were learned as well. This demo stands as a testament to the devotion of the team which through insurmountable odds and under less than ideal conditions was able to complete this small glimpse into the world that we created. \\ \\ -Brian J. Audette Lead Designer, Engalus December, 2000 \\ \\ --------------------- \\ 1.2 REQUIREMENTS \\ \\ minimum requirements : \\ \\ 300mhz processor 128mb RAM 32mb 3D Graphics Accelerator DirectX Compatible Sound Card \\ \\ recommended requirements : \\ \\ 500mhz processor 256mb RAM 64mb nVIDIA TNT2 or GeForce Series 3D Graphics Accelerator DirectX Compatible Sound Card \\ \\ --------------------- \\ 1.3 DISPLAY SETTINGS \\ \\ The default settings are 800x600 and 32bit textures. This should be good for most machines with at least 128mb of RAM and a quality 32bit 3D Card. \\ \\ To change display settings open the "base" folder and locate the file called "default.cmd" and open it in a text editor. EDIT ONLY THE FOLLOWING VALUES : \\ \\ //video system cvars set v_width 800 set v_height 600 -> change these to 1024x768, 640x480, or what have you \\ \\ //render cvars set r_texturebits 32 -> change this to 16 on lower end machines \\ \\ Save your changes and restart the demo for them to take effect. \\ \\ -------------------- \\ 1.4 TROUBLESHOOTING \\ \\ Windows 2000 : There are issues with running the demo under Windows 2000 which we were not able to track down before this release. Even on high end systems with the lowest display settings some slowdown may occur though some Win2k systems run fine. We appologize for the inconvenience. The demo should work correctly on Windows 95, 98, and ME. \\ \\ RenderGF.dll : On some systems (specifically non GeForce systems) performance may be increased by removing the RenderGF.dll in the 'engalus' folder. If your system meets the requirements and you have attempted all possible display combinations, or are experiencing other graphical difficulties RenderGF.dll may be the problem. Move the file out of the 'engalus' folder and attempt to run the demo again. If you are satisfied with the results simply delete the RenderGF.dll \\ \\ 1.5 TEAM ENGALUS \\ \\ Lead Designer : Brian J. Audette Programmers : Ignacio Castano, Sebastien Chemin Level Designers : Alexei Frolov, Holger Huck 2D Artists : Scott Shepherd, Eyal 'shotgun' Shohom Music : Brian J. Audette Tool Designer : Avery Andrews \\ \\ Crytek CEO : Cevat Yerli \\ \\ 1.6 LEGAL INFO \\ \\ Engalus is TM and (c) 2000-2001 Crytek Studios all rights reserved 🞶🞶🞶This is a special packaging of the Engalus Demo for Brian J. Audette's portfolio. IT MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED OR REDISTRIBUTED🞶🞶🞶 ++ \\ \\ ===== CVARS ===== {{:developers:crytek:engalus:images:2024-12-29-engalus_engine_c_2000_crytek_studios.png?320x240}} \\ * Enable the console with **base\default.cmd\set g_dev 1** ''(Fig.1)'' \\ ==== Client.dll ==== Timestamp : 3A0451CB (Sat Nov 04 18:13:31 2000) \\ |< 100% 10px||1% 70%>| ||g_bobpitch|| ||g_bobroll|| ||g_bobup|| ||g_ducktime|| ||g_steptime|| ||g_timedemo|| ||import|| ||v_height|| ||v_width|| ==== Engalus.exe ==== Timestamp : 3A30E816 (Fri Dec 08 13:54:30 2000) \\ |< 100% 10px||1% 70%>| ||angle|| ||bouncepad|| ||classname|| ||cs_cachesize|| ||cs_distancefactor|| ||cs_driver|| ||cs_maxchannels|| ||cs_minchannels|| ||cs_output|| ||entities|| ||func_button|| ||func_door|| ||func_timer|| ||g_collide|| ||g_dev|| ||g_fly|| ||g_music|| ||g_step|| ||g_timedemo|| ||g_times|| ||game|| ||info_notnull|| ||info_null|| ||info_player_deathmatch|| ||info_player_start|| ||item|| ||light|| ||message|| ||model|| ||music|| ||noise|| ||origin|| ||play|| ||quit|| ||random|| ||record|| ||server|| ||spawnflags|| ||speed|| ||target|| ||target_delay|| ||target_position|| ||target_push|| ||target_speaker|| ||targetname|| ||trigger_multiple|| ||trigger_push|| ||trigger_teleport|| ||ui|| ||vidrestart|| ||wait|| ||weapon_railgun|| ||worldspawn|| ==== Render.dll ==== Timestamp : 3A0451D3 (Sat Nov 04 18:13:39 2000) \\ |< 100% 10px||1% 70%>| ||gl_acceleration|| ||gl_allow_software|| ||gl_dither|| ||gl_extensions|| ||gl_load_glu|| ||gl_max_texture_size|| ||gl_max_texture_units|| ||gl_renderer|| ||gl_vendor|| ||gl_version|| ||r_clear|| ||r_ext_compiled_vertex_array|| ||r_ext_multitexture|| ||r_filter|| ||r_grid|| ||r_picmip|| ||r_quality|| ||r_texturebits|| ||v_gamma|| ==== RenderGF.dll ==== Timestamp : 3A0451D4 (Sat Nov 04 18:13:40 2000) \\ |< 100% 10px||1% 70%>| ||gl_dither|| ||gl_driver|| ||gl_extensions|| ||gl_load_glu|| ||gl_renderer|| ||gl_vendor|| ||gl_version|| ||r_anisotropy|| ||r_clear|| ||r_ext_compiled_vertex_array|| ||r_ext_multitexture|| ||r_filter|| ||r_grid|| ||r_picmip|| ||r_quality|| ||r_shy|| ||r_texture_compression|| ||r_texturebits|| ||system|| ||v_gamma|| ||video|| ||wnd_handle|| ==== Server.dll ==== Timestamp : 3A0451CC (Sat Nov 04 18:13:32 2000) \\ |< 100% 10px||1% 70%>| ||ent|| ||g_air_gravity|| ||g_collide|| ||g_fly|| ||g_jumpspeed|| ||g_speedscale|| ||g_step|| ||g_water_gravity|| ||import|| ||tmp_entities|| ==== ui.dll ==== Timestamp : 3A30E80D (Fri Dec 08 13:54:21 2000) \\ |< 100% 10px||1% 70%>| ||320x240|| ||400x300|| ||512x384|| ||640x480|| ||800x600|| ||960x720|| ||1024x768|| ||1152x864|| ||1280x1024|| ||1600x1200|| ||2048x1536|| ||g_dev|| ||g_timedemo|| ||r_anisotropy|| ||r_picmip|| ||r_swapinterval|| ||r_texture_compression|| ||r_texturebits|| ||v_fullscreen|| ||v_height|| ||v_width|| ||vidrestart|| \\ ---- ===== Demo ===== * **demo.cmd** {{https://labx8.org/videos/2024-12-29%2022-41-46.mp4?330}} \\ ---- ===== Entities ===== {{:developers:crytek:engalus:images:screen01_layer3.png?320|}} * Human * Lahoran * Bot* \\ ---- ===== E3 2000 Demo ===== * Files possibly present in the E3 2000 demo. {{:developers:crytek:engalus:images:scanlines-1230934590329622528-20200221_121730-img1-2.png?320}} |< 100% 10px||1% 1% 90%>| ||1999-08-18 ||base\textures\OldStuff\Bradhall2_wall.tga|| ||1999-11-21 ||base\gfx\2d\bigchars2.tga|| ||1999-12-16 ||base\sound\player|| ||2000-01-02 ||base\textures\FX\wavemap.tga|| ||2000-05-03 ||base\gfx\misc\cryteklogo.tga|| ||2000-05-03 ||base\scriptsengalus23.shader|| ||2000-05-05 ||base\gfx\misc\blend.jpg|| ||2000-05-05 ||base\scriptsengalus.shader|| \\ ---- ===== July 2000 Demo ===== * Leftover from an earlier technology demo. {{:developers:crytek:engalus:images:disclaimer.jpg?320}} \\ ---- ===== August 2000 Demo ===== * Leftover from an earlier alpha demo. {{:developers:crytek:engalus:images:alphademo_text01.png?320}} \\ ---- ===== Missing Textures ===== * Textures requested by the engine that are missing. |< 100% 10px||1% 70%>| ||gfx/misc/flare|| ||textures/fx/alphademo_text06|| ||textures/fx/glass_reflect_map_512|| ||textures/fx/prom_f2_fx|| ||textures/fx/splash|| ||textures/main/common/numet_g03|| ||textures/main/common/techmap_c05|| ||textures/oldstuff/tony/smt/wires_a|| \\ ---- ===== Multiplayer ===== * Strings referencing client/server. |< 100% 10px||1% 1% 30%>| ||0047B418|| aInfoPlayerDeat|| 'info_player_deathmatch'||Engalus.exe|| ||10016ED0|| ||E n g a l u s s e r v e r d y n a m i c l i n k||Server.dll|| ||1001811C|| aErrorOnlyOneSe || '🞶🞶🞶 Error : Only one Server instance is allowed.'||Server.dll|| ||10018150|| aErrorAllocatin || '🞶🞶🞶 Error allocating memory for Server'||Server.dll|| ||10018264|| aReceivingConne || 'Receiving connection request...'||Server.dll|| ||10018288|| aClientDConnect || 'Client %d : connected!'||Server.dll|| ||100182A0|| aClientDDisconn || 'Client %d : disconnected!'||Server.dll|| ||100182BC|| aClientDBeginGa || 'Client %d : begin game'||Server.dll|| ||100182D4|| aInvalidClientN || 'Invalid client num!'||Server.dll|| ||100184A4|| aEngserverCanTF || 'EngServer : cant find target entity.'||Server.dll|| ||10018520|| aNoInfoPlayerSt || '🞶🞶🞶 NO info_player_start in this map.'||Server.dll|| \\ ---- ===== Soundtrack ===== * Previously available here: https://soundcloud.com/brian-audette-1/jorghan \\ **Jorg'Han.mp3**\\ {{:developers:crytek:engalus:images:jorg_han.mp3 |}} ++ log.txt | \\ \\ \\ General\\ Complete name : C:\Engalus1\base\music\Jorg'Han.mp3\\ Format : MPEG Audio\\ File size : 3.74 MiB\\ Duration : 4 min 5 s\\ Overall bit rate mode : Constant\\ Overall bit rate : 128 kb/s\\ Track name : Jorg'Han\\ Performer : Brian J. Audette\\ Recorded date : 2000\\ Comment : 2000 Brian J. Audette\\ \\ Audio Format : MPEG Audio\\ Format version : Version 1\\ Format profile : Layer 3\\ Format settings : Joint stereo / MS Stereo\\ Duration : 4 min 5 s\\ Bit rate mode : Constant\\ Bit rate : 128 kb/s\\ Channel(s) : 2 channels\\ Sampling rate : 44.1 kHz\\ Frame rate : 38.281 FPS (1152 SPF)\\ Compression mode : Lossy\\ Stream size : 3.74 MiB (100%)\\++ \\ \\ \\ ---- ===== Source Code ===== * Strings referencing source code. |< 100% 10px||1% 1% 40%>| ||C:\Windows\Bureau\EngDemo\code\Animation\source\Anim.cpp||Engalus.exe|| ||C:\Windows\Bureau\EngDemo\code\Animation\source\Pose.cpp||Engalus.exe|| ||C:\Windows\Bureau\EngDemo\code\Animation\source\Skeleton.cpp||Engalus.exe|| ||C:\Windows\Bureau\EngDemo\code\Engalus\engalus.cpp||Engalus.exe|| ||C:\Windows\Bureau\EngDemo\code\Engine\source\BSPColdet.cpp||Engalus.exe|| ||C:\Windows\Bureau\EngDemo\code\Engine\source\BSPLoad.cpp||Engalus.exe|| ||C:\Windows\Bureau\EngDemo\code\Engine\source\Engine.cpp||Engalus.exe|| ||C:\Windows\Bureau\EngDemo\code\Engine\source\Entities.cpp||Engalus.exe|| ||C:\Windows\Bureau\EngDemo\code\Engine\source\Layer.cpp||Engalus.exe|| ||C:\Windows\Bureau\EngDemo\code\Engine\source\LODGroup.cpp||Engalus.exe|| ||C:\Windows\Bureau\EngDemo\code\Engine\source\Object.cpp||Engalus.exe|| ||C:\Windows\Bureau\EngDemo\code\Engine\source\Overlay.cpp||Engalus.exe|| ||C:\Windows\Bureau\EngDemo\code\Engine\source\SkyBox.cpp||Engalus.exe|| ||C:\Windows\Bureau\EngDemo\code\Engine\source\Tex.cpp||Engalus.exe|| ||C:\Windows\Bureau\EngDemo\code\Game\source\Game.cpp||Engalus.exe|| ||C:\Windows\Bureau\EngDemo\code\Kernel\source\CmdSystem.cpp||Engalus.exe|| ||C:\Windows\Bureau\EngDemo\code\Kernel\source\Kernel.cpp||Engalus.exe|| ||C:\Windows\Bureau\EngDemo\code\Kernel\source\OutputDev.cpp||Engalus.exe|| ||C:\Windows\Bureau\EngDemo\code\Kernel\source\Win32Input.cpp||Engalus.exe|| ||C:\Windows\Bureau\EngDemo\code\Kernel\source\Win32OutputWin.cpp||Engalus.exe|| ||C:\Windows\Bureau\EngDemo\code\Kernel\source\VarSystem.cpp||Engalus.exe|| ||C:\Windows\Bureau\EngDemo\code\Kernel\source\Win32FileSystem.cpp||Engalus.exe|| ||C:\Windows\Bureau\EngDemo\code\Render\source\Render.cpp||Render.dll|| ||C:\Windows\Bureau\EngDemo\code\RenderGF\source\RenderGF.cpp||RenderGF.dll|| ||C:\Windows\Bureau\EngDemo\code\RenderGF\source\VertexMan.cpp||RenderGF.dll|| ||C:\Windows\Bureau\EngDemo\code\Server\source\Func.cpp||Server.dll|| ||C:\Windows\Bureau\EngDemo\code\Server\source\Server.cpp||Server.dll|| ||C:\Windows\Bureau\EngDemo\code\Server\source\ServerCore.cpp||Server.dll|| ||C:\Windows\Bureau\EngDemo\code\Server\source\Target.cpp||Server.dll|| ||C:\Windows\Bureau\EngDemo\code\Sound\source\Sound.cpp||Engalus.exe|| ||C:\Windows\Bureau\EngDemo\code\ui\source\Control.cpp||ui.dll|| ||C:\Windows\Bureau\EngDemo\code\ui\source\User.cpp||ui.dll|| \\ ---- ===== Weapons ===== * Strings referencing weapons. |< 100% 10px||1% 1% 30%>| ||0047B45C||aWeaponRailgun|| weapon_railgun ||Engalus.exe||